Awards & Recognition

Resume: Matthew D. Wittmer

“Life & Work with Matthew D. Wittmer” Voyage LA. March 8, 2021. Profile interview. Web.

Images Year Book dedication 2016. The senior class of 2016 dedicated the school’s annual K-12 yearbook to me. Traditionally the dedication is bestowed upon one person annually with a two page introduction at the start of the book. I was close to this class having been their class advisor when they were freshman and sophomores. I was their seventh grade outdoor education chaperone as well.

Recognized for my wire walking work with Philippe Petit. KCET Cinema Series Premiere of The Walk, Aero Theater, Santa Monica, California – Sep 29, 2015
Honored by host Pete Hammond at the premiere of this major motion picture for my wire walking work with famed wire walker Philippe Petit along with lead actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I exhibited cable and rigging equipment that night as well that is identical to the types Philippe used in his 1974 WTC crossing, which is the subject of the film.

Prophets and Poets Secret Society Art Show. Vatican Studios, Lake Forest, California. Invited to participate in this art exhibit where I created a large relief print themed for the event that was displayed alongside many other works by national and world renown tattoo artists. See video below of the opening: “Prophets & Poets – Secret Society Group Exhibition (at the Vatican).” Youtube. Dec 12, 2014. Web. <> Link last accessed Jan 2016.


Baylor University, Institute for Studies of Religion. Invited to provide a guided tour for international scholars of new religious movements on a walking tour of the Branch Davidian property on location. Part of the CESNUR annual conference. ISR covered flight & hotel expenses.

Baylor University, Institute for Studies of Religion. Invited to present a visual history of the Branch Davidian property at ISR’s Branch Davidian symposium on the 20th anniversary of the fire. ISR covered flight & hotel expenses. My visual presentation can be selected and watched at the link below:

Baylor ISR. “Baylor ISR: Reflecting on an American Tragedy: Matthew Wittmer (April 18, 2013).” Youtube. Nov 20, 2014. Web. <> Link last accessed Jan 2016.


Burney Parker Fellowship, Texas Collection Archival Research Center / Waco, Texas. Awarded monetary funds for researching Branch Davidian holdings in the repository for one week. Photo of me researching there is still posted at: <> Link last accessed Jan 2016.


Coleman Printmakers Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln / Sheldon Museum. Museum acquired an etching of mine in their permanent collection.

Regents Tuition Fellowship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Cash award.


Art & Art History Graduate Assistantship, University of Lincoln, Nebraska. The Art & Art History Department at UNL waived all tuition fees for my three years of graduate study and provided me a monthly per diem to teach one class per semester as a Graduate Teaching Assistant.

James L. Richardson Cash Award, Southwest Missouri State University

Art & Design Regents Scholarship, Southwest Missouri State University. The department waived 2/3 of my tuition fees based on 12 drawings I submitted in competition with dozens of other applicants. Was one of two receipients.

Young Artist Award, Drury College – full tuition covered for 3-hour credit college course in Beginning Painting.